Terms & Conditions


  1. Be kind and show respect to both members and visitors. Our ability to survive and thrive depends on how you interact with others.
  2. Try to give more to the quality of the space than you take from it.
  3. Let us know when something needs fixing or improving!
  4. Clean up after yourself—do your dishes and do your part to keep the space tidy.
  2. Opening hours and how to access the space a. Normal staffed business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday. b. All national holidays are observed. c. Access during non-business hours is by access pin or cell phone app.
  3. LAST ONE OUT? CLOSE UP SHOP a. If you are the last person to leave, turn off the lights and make sure the stoves are off and set the alarm to away. The door will lock automatically.
  4. Meeting room protocol a. All meeting rooms are available on a first come first served basis. b. Coworker is responsible for cleaning the space of food, materials and garbage immediately after use.
  5. Space staff and their role or the services that each of them renders: a. Site Manager
  6. Coworker’s responsibility to look after the furniture and installations in the coworking space a.
  7. Coworker’s responsibility to clean the areas or materials that they use a.
  8. Coworker’s responsibility with regard to other coworkers’ personal belongings a.
  9. Right to modify the coworking space’s layout a. Coworker may not modify furniture or equipment location or layout.
  10. Use of common areas
    1. Coworkers are responsible for removing their trash from common areas.
    2. Coworkers are expected to respect others use of the common areas.
  11. Rights and conditions of use of the logo and other information or use of your brand in communications by coworkers or space users to third parties. The company name and logos and copyright protected and not for use without the express written permission of Carolina Business Center LLC.
  12. Confidentiality measures
  13. Policy concerning coworkers meeting with clients or collaborators
    1. Coworker meetings are limited to the lounge, conference room or Skype room.
    2. Reservations are required for conference and Skype rooms.
  14. Policy concerning animals in the coworking space a. No animals except ADA defined service animals are allowed in the building. b. Non-ADA “comfort” animals specifically are not allowed.
  15. Emergency plan in the event of evacuation from the space a. Quickly exit the building b. Move well aware of the building.
  16. Mail collection
    1. Coworkers will be notified of incoming USPS mail or packages.
    2. Mail must be picked up within 7 days unless extended time is approved by the office manager.
  17. Silence, noise and music
    1. Headphones must be worn when playing music.
    2. Please respect your coworkers are refrain from loud conversations.
  18. Penalties (this is often a behavior warning and the final option is contract termination) a. Violation of house rules will result in one warning. A second offense may result in membership termination.
    1. One of the founding values of the coworking movement is sustainability. Please do your part.
    2. Reduce. Don’t print material that could remain in digital form; turn off lights or appliances that aren’t being used, even if you didn’t turn them on.
    3. Recycle. There are recycling bins in most rooms next to the garbage bins. There is also a paper shredder available for your use.
  20. ACCESS
    1. Private Office Members: You have 24/7/365 access to the space.
    2. Hot Desk Members: The space is open from 8:30 to 5:00 Monday to Friday.
  22. The kitchen is a shared resource. There are just a few simple rules. 🙂
    1. If you empty it, fill it
    2. If you dirty it, clean it
    3. If you open it, close it
    4. If you spill it, wipe it
  23. Please put all dishes in the dishwasher and help yourself to coffee.
  25. Put all of your garbage in the kitchen garbage can. This will allow us to keep everything fresh and clean between cleaner visits.
  27. There are recycling bins in the kitchen and the hot desk area.
  29. To keep things fair and consistent for all members, please don’t put up signs or posters on interior and exterior windows or walls.